In Revenge of the Swarm, when Ben and Julie arranged a date, she was kidnapped by Nanochips. Ben apologized to Julie for being such a jerk and he promised to try to be a better boyfriend. In Eye of the Beholder, Julie and Ben were going through relationship troubles. In Absolute Power: Part 2, Julie and Ship helped Gwen escape Ultimate Kevin. When he tried to kill her and Jennifer, Goop saved Julie, calling her "his girl." She then assisted in taking down Overlord. In Hero Time, Julie became jealous of Jennifer Nocturne after she kissed Ben when he saved her.
Ben 10 omniverse cast movie#
In Duped, Julie became upset with Ben not spending time with her, as he chose to watch a Sumo Slammers movie while leaving an immature duplicate of himself with her, embarrassing her. When he thought everybody would hate him, she kissed him on the cheek and told him that not everybody hated him. Julie returned iIn Fame, where she comforted Ben when his identity was revealed to the world. In The Final Battle: Part 1, Julie is briefly seen playing with Ship. After Sunder was knocked out, she, under Kevin's instructions, held a beam on Ben's arm while they used Sunder's axe to return Ben to normal and unknowingly sent Sunder to the Null Void as a result. During the fight, Gwen helped her keep Ben's hand away from Sunder but Julie being held hostage when Sunder grabbed her. She later uses Diamondhead's hand to fight Sunder. In Singlehanded, Julie finds Ben's detached hand and takes it to Gwen and Kevin. Ben is eventually able to get the judge's favor, and Baz-El reluctantly accepts that Ship is now Julie's. When the Octagon and Rhomboid came back, Ship "merged" with Julie, giving her a powerful battle suit to use to fight back. As Julie refused, the Vreedle brothers started being more aggressive, and Ben and Kevin go to court on Coda Coda to claim their right on Ship against Baz-El, while Gwen stayed on Earth to keep Julie and Ship safe.

In Vreedle, Vreedle, Octagon and Rhomboid Vreedle were hired by Baz-El to return Ship to him. Ben then tells her that he will walk her to school the next day. At the end of War of the Worlds: Part 2, Ben and Julie get close to kissing, but decided against it, as Gwen, Kevin, and Max were watching them. In War of the Worlds: Part 1, Julie helped Ben fight against the Highbreed invasion. Julie allowed Ben and the others to use Ship as a spaceship on condition that Ben helps look after him. At the same time, she told Ben he wasn't the only one who saw Brainstealers From Outer Space. Julie managed to get through to Ship and bring him back to his senses. The Forever Knights (incuding Sir Morton and Judith) kidnapped Ship, brainwashing him as a mindless slave and turning him into an Anterian Obliterator. In Pet Project, it was revealed that Julie is keeping Ship as a pet, which put a strain on her relationship with Ben, as he feared Ship could do something that she couldn't handle. As Julie takes Ben home on her scooter, she tells Ben that she thought he made a great "mom". The eggs hatch into 14 baby Necrofriggians, and Kevin teases Ben about being a "mommy". Gwen managed to knock out Big Chill, only to discover that Big Chill was building a nest for eggs he had laid.

She also told them where Big Chill is headed. In Save the Last Dance, when Big Chill takes control of Ben's personality and starts eating every metal object in sight, Julie follows him on her scooter and alerts Gwen and Kevin. On the walk home, Ship takes off after a passing truck, and Ben and Julie walk home, holding hands. Ben and Julie helped fix Baz-El's ship and he left Ship with them, saying that he and Ben have a bond. In the end, it was revealed that Ship was trying to lead Ben to Baz-El, whose ship crashed and was about to explode. During a rescue attempt, Julie found out about the Omnitrix, which she finds cool. In Pier Pressure, Ben was forced by Gwen to ask Julie out on a date, which was interrupted by Ship, who kidnapped Julie. She introduces herself and agrees to meet him at school the next day. Julie made her first appearance in Ben 10 Returns: Part 1, where she congratulates Ben after his team won a soccer game.